Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Hello all,

There were a lot of things happened since I've last updated my blog. To write it conventionally will consume a lot of my precious time. So I'll do it Tun Dr. M style:

1. I'm now a dad to a lovely daughter.
2. I've added Canon 50mm 1.8 to my DSLR setup and I think that will be enough for now (I hope).
3. I've enrolled for 10 sessions golfing classes. Found out that it's not that easy to play golf and have a new-found respect for all those professional golfers. After all the 10 classes finish, it could be a long time until I'll play it again due to various reasons.
4. I've been tentatively offered to be promoted. The catch is that it will be a full time night shift position. More on this later as it is not confirm yet.
5. I've started to invest in real-estate.
6. Alhamdulillah.


effaeffie said...

one more:
1 year wedding anniversary.

lupo bini nampak..;P

raducaca said...


Hihi saye harap anda tidak repot kepade mr muhd.

Ermm perkhidmatan yg Kami sediekan ialah:
refinance rumah , jual beli rumah, direct buy with developer pon bleh, snp ermmm ape lagi ye

Haaa mahu saman org pon buleh juge hihi

jarrot locx said...

effaeffie : :)

raducaca : refinance rumah pon ade? ni bank ke ape ni? haha..ok mantap..papehal nanti aku sound