Saturday, August 29, 2009

District 9

District 9 is a really cool movie. Not since 300 and Perfume - The Story of a Murderer that I've enjoyed a low-key movie so much. I'm not sure how big is the advertisement for the movie outside, but here in my home country, the ads were below mediocre. I'm even tempted to update my blog because of it. Haha. Not sure if there will be a sequel to it, but I hope if there is, it will not be a disappointment.

By the way, not long after my previous post, I've been given the backup team lead role. By some weird turn-of-event, the role finally fell to me. As my team lead is currently on vacation in the UK for two weeks, I'm currently the acting team lead for my team. I would say so far so good. If not for my shift working hour, I might consider to really have a go for the role for a long term target ;p.

Ok that's all for now, Happy Fasting to all muslims in the world.


effa said...

"i thought u say don't shoot"

"he shoots me!"

LOL...worth watching aih?..

Angah said...

Jarot - Nak gambor g Muare ari tu. Email kat aku - TQ!!

jarrot locx said...

alamak..aku da lama xbukak blog ni..xperasan lak ade request..hoho..xpe2 aku da set untuk receive notification everytime ade org comment. Ko nak lagi ke gamba tu..x byk kalo nak sound k..hehe