Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Cool local bands. Finally !

Yes. You've heard that right. Finally, cool Malaysian bands have emerged.

It's been long since Butterfingers that I've found a worthy band from Malaysia to listen. Yes there's one or two but even then, they've faded away.

The band that I'm writing about are Meet Uncle Hussain and Hujan. After a lot of bands from Indonesia bombarded Malaysia and hey, I don't have anything against them. They're good. Most of Malaysian band sucks. As simple as that. So don't blame me for not being patriotic or whatever bullshit.

Some of Malaysian artist complaining that Malaysian radio station giving Indonesian music more airtime than Malaysian music. Well I have no problem with that. There are a lot more cool Indonesian acts that haven't reached Malaysia yet and they should be thankful for that. If you make good music, people will listen to you.

Oh and yes before I forget, you can check both of the band above by surfing to their respective myspace site : http://myspace.com/meetunclehussain and http://www.myspace.com/kugiranhujan.

I'm signing off now, got to go to work. Till then, bye-bye.

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