Monday, January 04, 2010

New Year's resolution

It sounds so cliche. Whenever new year is coming (in this case, it has already came), you will hear a lot on New Year's resolution. Well, I beg to differ. At least for me, this is my first time making a new year's resolution.

In my company where I'm working, come new year, we'll set a new bunch of objectives to meet for the rest of the year and we'll then review it every quarter throughout the year. In this case, for my personal objectives, I will only review it at the end of the year.


1. Obtain at least one professional cert. My target is CCNP. I need to pass four exam papers to be able to obtain it. Looks like I need to pass at least one paper quaterly.

2. Invest in another property. This will be a bit hard since I will also employ a maid which mean higher monthly expenses. But we will see if this is achievable during my performance review at the end of the year.

3. Memorize Surah As-Sajdah from the Holy Qur'an together with its meaning. I hope that in the midst of the strive to achieve better quality of life in this world, I will not forget why I'm here in the first place.

That's all the objectives that I've set for 2010. We'll review it in December 2010 or January 2011. Till then. Ciao.


Mama Sarah said...

Dude, good luck and may all your resolutions come true!

jarrot locx said...

Thanks. May your's too! Good luck with the delivery. :)