Monday, February 21, 2005

FA cup...i'm a doctor??nahhh....

arghhh...chelsea have been knock out of the FA cup...and i think most of it are because Jose Mourinho decision in the start of the second half to use all the 3 substitution quota...and disaster struck early as wayne bridge injured...ahh tensen tol ngan mourinho ni...tu la kau ni belagak sgt...sape soh tuka tiga2 skali awal2...kan joe cole tu ok je main...kua kan la smertin tu ngan geremi je...adoi kan da terkua FA duff da ada unsur2 injured ni...tah camne nak main ngan Barcelonan nnti ni...

hmmm...enough of FA's been a long time since i've updated this I''ll summarize what happened in d previous week...ape ek..oo ada hari valentine...em x sambut pon arini...tipu je suma now rasa da ramai da tau yg aritu adalah ari org kristian sempena diorang nye paderi St. Valentino..(bukan valentino rossi pelumba moto tu ye)....

haa tp yg klakonya....on that monday(valentine day)...2 of my close friend ask me for advise regarding their love life...sorg nak tekel awek...sorg lg ade problem ngan gf dia...and i think it's all purely coincidence..xde kaitan ngan vlentine day...yg klakonya diorang ni mmg x tau pon antara satu sama lain..mmg tetiba dedua mintak advise kat aku..siap call me doctor love..haha..don't worry guys...all ur secret save with me...

and then...ari slase tuh lg sorg plak mintak advise..(take note guys..diorang suma xtau pon ade org lain mintak advise kat aku..)..yg ni pon tanya camne nak tekel awek la ape la...and he also call me doctor love...wahahaha...damn funny when i think of it...

and surprisingly...on wednesday...for third consecutive days...lg sorang pulak tanya(which brough the number to 4)...yg ni pon on how to tackle awek thing...aku mcm...wahhh...sejak bile ni...hahaha...

come to think of it..aku ngan org lain ni mmg xreti+xbiasa nak ckp2 bende2 jiwang ni...uu yuckk...gelinya...haha..but...those 1st 3 of the advise seeker are my close best la tepikan rasa2 geli tuh..and yg ke4 tuh...dlu2 da tanya mcm2...but aku xlyn mungkin in the mood kot nak jwb coz the previous 3....hihi...

ok ah...till here...4.05am oredy..luckily..or should i say...brilliantly..i've no class on Monday...(scheduled it myself)...k guys..take care...later...

Your sincerely,
doctor love <-----yuckkk.....ptuih ptuih...hahaha

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